##HOMEBREW Primero que nada recomendamos leer mas de : Homebrew Puedes instalar tu software de la manera tradicional o ser ninja: Por medio de tu terminal ejecutamos los siguiente comandos Posiblemente el Apple’s Command Line Tools se instale automático pero hagamos esto por si las dudas, Instala Homebrew en tu Mac: Si Brew se instala […]
Category / Workflow
Optimal Easy Engine 3.0
#Access Server #Update Server TimeZone dpkg-reconfigure tzdata #Secure SSH acccess with a different port #Keep SSH Connection Alive #Restart SSH #Add a Initial message #Update/Upgrade Server #Instalar Vim 8 Ubuntu/Mint #Install Git #Beautyfy Terminal follow this steps: apt install zsh -y Change permanently to zsh chsh -s /bin/zsh Get .Antigen git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen.git .antigen Add […]
Most Useful ST Packages and Config for Great Workflow
###Packages ### Packge Control: ——————– BracketHighlighter CodeFormatter HTML5 Material Theme ColorHighligter Compass CSS3 GitGutter Sass SFTP SidebarEnhancment Themr TrailingSpace Wordpress if(is_OSX){ MacTerminal } ###Configs { “always_show_minimap_viewport”: true, “bold_folder_labels”: true, “caret_extra_bottom”: 3, “caret_extra_top”: 3, “caret_extra_width”: 2, “color_scheme”: “Packages/Material Theme/schemes/Material-Theme-OceanicNext.tmTheme”, “folder_exclude_patterns”: [ “.sass-cache”, “.svn”, “.git”, “.hg”, “CVS”, “_build”, “dist”, “build”, “wp-admin”, “wp-includes” ], “font_options”: [ “gray_antialias” ], […]
Install .Antigen and Beautify your iTerm
upgrade: 13.09.16 install zsh: apt install zsh //or aptitude Change permanently to zsh chsh /bin/zsh (In OSX just change the user configuration to zsh) You had to have Git Installed for the next steps Git Antigen: https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen Download Input Mono Font: Input Mono Download Iconsolata: Inconsolata You had to have Git Installed for the next steps […]
CSS Guide Lines 2014
COMMENTS /*————————————*\ $CONTENTS \*————————————*/ /** * CONTENTS…………You’re reading it! * RESET……………Set our reset defaults * FONT-FACE………..Import brand font files */ GuideLine /* Main ‘alert’ component */ .alert {} /* Sub-components that make up the ‘alert’ */ .alert-text {} .alert-close {} /* Modifiers for various styles of the ‘alert’ */ .alert–warning {} .alert–error {} .alert–success {} […]